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Another smart home enterprise is listed! Will the smart home industry usher in a new outlet in the 100 billion market?
Publish time:2022-01-07     Times of view:     Font:【BigMiddleSmall

In 2020, the development of 5g, AI, big data, chips and other basic technologies has made the intelligence and digitization of the security industry an irresistible wave, and the smart home has ushered in a new blue ocean.

  Following the listing of anjubo in the field of smart home, on November 12, Xiamen dinek Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "dinek") was listed on the gem of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and issued a shares for the first time.



  The total number of initial public offering shares of dinek is 30 million shares, with a price of 24.87 yuan / share, which is no less than 25% of the total share capital after this public offering, and the total amount of funds raised is 746 million yuan.

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Hotline: 0086 592 605 6883
  • Kingslion (Xiamen) Smart Home Co.,Ltd.
  • Address:4th floor, No. 15-4, East Hongtang community, Hongtang village, Haicang District, Xiamen
  • Phone:0086 592 605 6883
  • Mobile:0086 153 9628 6856